Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Droid Tower on Amazon Devices

I've had a number of requests for Droid Tower on the Amazon store so that Kindle users can experience the app without sideloading or rooting their device.  I'm happy to announce that as of today Droid Tower is on the Amazon store.  Same app, still free, now on your Kindle.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Droid Tower 2.0 Released

Thanks to everyone who has tried Droid Tower 1.0 and left feedback.  Even before I finished 1.0, I started thinking about building an app that would allow the game to be played entirely on the device.  I knew it would be challenging, but I had no idea how challenging.  Seemingly simple things like detecting the space a user touched became incredibly complex and tedious (I may post a blog on the technical solution for those interested, because I think it is pretty cool).  I also ran into several "opportunities" with some android code and had to tweak it, extend it, and in some cases, replace it.  So it's taken much longer that I had anticipated/hoped, but in the end, I learned a ton and couldn't be happier with the final product.  I hope you will enjoy playing it as much (or more) than I enjoyed making it.  Please leave me comments or send me email and let me know how I can make it even better.